Statements of Changes in Reserves

For the Year Ended 31 July 2023

Consolidated and University


Income & Expenditure Account

- -
Ìý Endowments Unrestricted



Balance at 1 August 2021 1,048 6,217 66,435 73,700
Surplus / (Deficit) from the income & expenditure statement 170 32,157 - 32,328
Revaluation Gain / (Loss) - - 14,456 14,456
Balance at 1 August 2022 (Restated) 1,219 38,374 80,891 120,484
Surplus / (deficit) from the income and expenditure statement (67) 15,683 - 15,616
Revaluation gain - - 8,009 8,009
Balance at 31 July 2023 1,152 54,057 88,900 144,109